Artist Directory

  • Berry, Mark
  • Berry, Mark
  • United States
Berry, Mark



"My parents, Liz and Bill Berry, made alaska their home before I was born.  I spent my childhood in Interior Alaska, then schooling in Fairbanks.  It is satisfying to finally return from the temperate climes of Southeast Alaska and participate in the now World Famous Ice Art Championships.  Doubly satisfying to work with ice carver extraordinaire, Steve Dean, whom I've known since 2nd Grade at University Park School, and to be doing something we both love, carving.  

As much as I cherish the beautiful marbles of Bernini and Michelangelo, and the timeless sculptures of the Greeks and Romans, I have always loved the idea of fleeting beauty.  That beauty is only here for a moment then is gone.  

While a lifelong student of sculpture, I have only recently been producing works, most in clay and some marble, but a favorite medium for me is cocolate, even better when it doesn't last is that you can eat it too!  I have dabbled with the creative snow sculpture, but, ice is new to me and I'm relishing the experience, a medium that shares many of the qualities of subtractive mediums, stone, wood and ivory, but also has unique additive properties that enable it to express as noother medium can.  Add that to its impermanence and, well, magic can happen.  


Photo Site Number Piece Title Rating
Team Photo
Single-Block Classic
"Resting Grizzly" by WD Berry
4.4/5 rating (10 votes)
Single-Block Classic
A Carroter with Sex-A-Peel
0.0/5 rating (0 votes)
Team Photo
3.3/5 rating (3 votes)

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Ice Alaska


A: 1800 College Rd

Fairbanks, Alaska 99709


A:  PO Box 74674

Fairbanks, AK 99707


T: 1 (833) 4ICEART (442-3278)